Buying Property in Romania: The Process

For many people, buying a house or apartment necessitates a large financial outlay.To help you through this, it is essential that you make sure you have some unbiased advice and support.Getting together.Make contact with a few Romanian real estate firms, explain your needs, and ask them to provide you with properties. Learn as much as you can about the going rates in the neighborhood where you wish to buy. Make plans to go to properties with sellers or agents.

Choice of Properties

Once you’ve found one or more properties that catch your eye, you’ll need to choose between booking the property through an agent without having to travel to Romania and inspecting the properties before making your final decision. It is not advisable to purchase an item before seeing it.


Once you’ve decided the property to buy, you may make a reservation with an agency by phone, email, or in-person meeting with a representative. The property will thereafter be held for a period of fifteen days. During this point, you choose a lawyer or solicitor to help you with the remaining steps of the buying process. Acquiring When you purchase a piece of real estate, the purchase agreement becomes public record. Before a contract is submitted for certification by the Land Registry, which is in charge of keeping track of real estate data, a public notary must witness its signing.

Loans and Mortgages

Mortgage applications from non-Romanian nationals with a legal contract are now accepted in Romania. See bank offers for more detailed information. The duration typically ranges from 25 to 30 years, and your salary determines the credit limit. Banks usually require construction insurance, a minimum deposit (some charge 15%, others 25%), and an analysis fee in addition to other criteria. You can choose between variable and fixed interest rates for the first three years; after that, variable rates are in effect.

Varying Rates of Interest

If you decide to collect the income in your OTP Bank account, the yearly interest rate ranges from 8.28% (which is composed of the IRCC index and the fixed margin of 2.31%) to 8.98% (which is composed of the IRCC index and the fixed margin of 3.11%).

Initial Three Years of Fixed interest, Followed by Variable

If you want to receive the income in your OTP Bank account, the annual interest rate is variable after the first three years and is fixed at a range of 5.79% to 6.49% (consisting of IRCC + fixed margin between 2.39% and 3.09%).
Based on the amount, the interest rate is decided upon at the time the loan is approved. In case you decide not to receive the income in your OTP Bank account, the interest rate will increase by 0.6 percentage points. Here is a link to the comprehensive list of interests.

How to Apply for a Mortgage Loan

Visit any OTP Bank branch in your community to talk about your best options.
Some things to think about for eligibility are be older than 24 when submitting the application, but no older than 70 when the loan matures in full. Individuals who turn 65 on the ultimate maturity date must show proof of life insurance that is in effect as of the signing date, assigned to OTP Bank, and effective for the duration of the contract.

possess a minimum of three months’ worth of continuous employment at the current employer over the course of the previous twelve months, or – At least half a year of experience with the present employer

Which Is More Lucrative: Rent or a Mortgage Loan?

The goals and aspirations of the prospective buyer strongly influence the type of real estate ownership that they select. One of the finest ways to spend a lot of money is to invest in real estate, therefore people who view purchasing a home as an investment should consider obtaining a housing loan. However, this alternative necessitates large savings because the laws in these three jurisdictions expect a 20–30% down payment at signing. One advantage of a mortgage loan is that you can rent out an item while making payments, which allows you to move in yourself when the installment plan is closed and generate cash while settling tenants.

Renting is a good choice if your financial circumstances prevents you from making a sizable initial payment. For individuals who do not intend to remain in the country for an extended period of time, renting a home or apartment is more advantageous. If one intends to live in Bulgaria, Romania, or Slovenia permanently, renting a place for the first time, saving up the required funds, and buying an item with a mortgage are the best options.

The Cost of Renting a Home

The pricing structure for renting residential structures is essentially the same in these three nations: monthly rent in Bulgaria is from 350 to 700 euros, while in Romania, prices are slightly lower at 200 to 700 euros. Slovenia has the highest real estate rental prices of all three nations, ranging from 380 to 800 euros. Remember that the cost varies not only by state but also by the area selected; for example, an apartment in a town or suburb will cost far less than one in the capital or a large metropolis.

Conditions of a Home Loan

Since the welfare of its residents is the top priority for every state, banks provide more hospitable conditions for them than for foreigners. If a foreign national is thinking seriously about taking out a mortgage in installments and then relocating permanently, he might want to consider getting citizenship first.

Bulgarian mortgage

Mortgage applicants in Bulgaria may purchase a residential property if they are over 21. The final payment must be made before the age of 65 if the borrower is a man, and before the age of 60 if the transaction was completed by a woman. A five-to twenty-year installment plan is available. You can set up a payment plan whereby you pay sixty to eighty percent of the entire cost of the unit in installments. This suggests that the down payment ranges from 20% to 40%. The loan is issued in the national currency, the Bulgarian lev. In addition to returning any outstanding payments to the bank, the buyer must regularly pay utilities. Interest rates normally vary from 7 to 15 percent, depending on the bank. Since a bank may eventually increase the interest rate, it is crucial to thoroughly analyze the terms of issuance in that particular bank. The maximum amount that can be disbursed in installments is 150 thousand euros. There is an option for early repayment; in this case, the buyer pays a commission of up to 5% of the remaining balance. It is necessary to verify the object’s insurance before finalizing a purchase. It is also possible to insure the borrower’s life, albeit this is optional and has no effect on the interest rate. Each insurance plan will cost the buyer between 100 and 300 euros annually.

Romanian Mortgage

A foreign national may apply for a mortgage in Romania for a maximum of 35 years. The loan covers at least thirty percent, or seventy percent, of the object’s cost. At 4.41%, Romania has the lowest average annual interest rate among these three nations for mortgage loans backed by real estate. Before you can finish a purchase, the goods must be insured.

Slovenian Mortgage

Out of these three countries, Slovenian mortgages have the shortest loan terms—just ten years. The first payment must cover at least 40% of the entire cost of dwelling; however, some banks require 65%. The average yearly interest rate on a mortgage loan in Slovenian banks is 5%. In addition to a person, a legal entity may also receive payments. This item must be insured; otherwise, the buyer will be denied credit, just as in the past. Life insurance is an optional yet preferred purchase. You may expect more committed situations if you have this insurance.

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